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385 lines
* Prefs programming for setting up Shadow Master. Uses prefs.o as for
* startup code.
* Copyright (c) 1991, Mike Meyer
* All Rights Reserved
* See the file "ShadowMaster:Distribution" for information on distribution.
* ===build instructions
* % lc guard ; output= guard.o input= guard.c
* % build prefs.c ; output= prefs.o input= prefs.c
* % blink prefs.o+guard.o lib lib:amiga.lib+lib:lcr.lib to guard SC SD ; output= guard input= guard.o prefs.o
* % copy guard //config
* ===endbuild
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <dos/dos.h>
#include <dos/dostags.h>
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <libraries/gadtools.h>
#include <libraries/asl.h>
#include <utility/tagitem.h>
#include <rexx/rxslib.h>
#include <rexx/storage.h>
#include <proto/exec.h>
#include <proto/dos.h>
#include <proto/gadtools.h>
#include <proto/asl.h>
#include <proto/intuition.h>
#include <proto/rexxsys.h>
#include <clib/alib_stdio_protos.h>
/* Values for feed to prefs.o */
int windowheight = 82 ; /* Height to open the window to */
int windowwidth = 350 ; /* Width to open the window to */
char *basename = "shadowmaster" ; /* env:basename/appname.prefs */
char *appname = "guard" ; /* is the default prefs file */
char *errname = "guard" ; /* error reports look like errname: text */
/* Values I get from prefs.o, either NULL or open */
extern struct Window *window ;
extern USHORT __far BusyPointerData[] ;
extern void dowbmessage(char *) ;
/* Flags indicating which corners are guarded */
#define TOP_LEFT 1
#define TOP_RIGHT 2
#define BOTTOM_LEFT 4
#define BOTTOM_RIGHT 8
/* The two values I write to the preferences file, plus values for undo */
#define MAXSTRING 200
static int size = 5, old_size = 5, corners = TOP_LEFT, old_corners = TOP_LEFT ;
static char command[MAXSTRING], old_command[MAXSTRING] = "" ;
/* Things I need to save my state */
static struct Gadget *gad_size, *gad_command, *gad_topleft, *gad_topright,
*gad_bottomleft, *gad_bottomright ;
static int undo_size = FALSE, undo_command = FALSE, undo_corners = FALSE ;
struct RxsLib *RexxSysBase = NULL ;
#define UPDATE_SIZE(value) do { old_size = size; size = value; \
undo_size = TRUE; if (window) GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gad_size, window, \
NULL, GTIN_Number, size, TAG_DONE, 0); } while (0)
#define UPDATE_CORNERS(value) do { old_corners = corners; corners = value; \
undo_corners = TRUE; if (window) { \
GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gad_topleft, window, NULL, GTCB_Checked, corners & TOP_LEFT, TAG_DONE, 0); \
GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gad_topright, window, NULL, GTCB_Checked, corners & TOP_RIGHT, TAG_DONE, 0); \
GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gad_bottomleft, window, NULL, GTCB_Checked, corners & BOTTOM_LEFT, TAG_DONE, 0); \
GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gad_bottomright, window, NULL, GTCB_Checked, corners & BOTTOM_RIGHT, TAG_DONE, 0); \
} } while (0)
#define UPDATE_COMMAND(value) do { strcpy(old_command, command); \
strcpy(command, value); undo_command = TRUE; if (window) \
GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gad_command, window, NULL, GTST_String, \
command, TAG_DONE, 0); } while(0)
int LoadFile(char *) ;
/* Functions that do the gadgets. Return TRUE to exit, FALSE otherwise */
static int
select(struct Gadget *g, UWORD code) {
struct FileRequester *my_req = NULL ;
if (!(my_req = AllocAslRequestTags(ASL_FileRequest,
ASL_TopEdge, 11, ASL_LeftEdge, 0, ASL_Window, window,
ASL_Dir, "shadowmaster:savers",
ASL_FrontPen, 1, ASL_BackPen, 0,
ASL_Hail, "Select Module", TAG_DONE, 0)))
return FALSE ;
SetPointer(window, BusyPointerData, 16, 16, -6, 0) ;
if (RequestFile(my_req)) {
UPDATE_COMMAND(my_req->rf_File) ;
undo_size = FALSE ;
ClearPointer(window) ;
FreeAslRequest(my_req) ;
return FALSE ;
static int
config(struct Gadget *g, UWORD code) {
char config[2 * MAXSTRING], tempfile[MAXSTRING] ;
BPTR out ;
char *cp ;
/* Build strings we need to run */
sprintf(tempfile, "t:sm.%ld", FindTask(NULL)) ;
if (!(out = Open(tempfile, MODE_READWRITE))) return FALSE ;
strcpy(command, ((struct StringInfo *) gad_command->SpecialInfo)->Buffer) ;
sprintf(config, "shadowmaster:config/%s", command) ;
/* Run the command (with a busy pointer) */
SetPointer(window, BusyPointerData, 16, 16, -6, 0) ;
if (SystemTags(config, SYS_Output, out, TAG_DONE, 0)) {
sprintf(config, "No config available for\n%s", command) ;
dowbmessage(config) ;
else {
/* Check the output */
Seek(out, 0, OFFSET_BEGINNING) ;
if (FGets(out, config, MAXSTRING)) {
if (cp = strchr(config, '\n')) *cp = '\0' ;
undo_size = FALSE ;
/* Now clean up */
ClearPointer(window) ;
Close(out) ;
DeleteFile(tempfile) ;
return FALSE ;
static char *
RexxIt(char *com, struct MsgPort *port, int flags) {
struct RexxMsg *msg ;
struct MsgPort *out ;
char *result = NULL ;
if (!(msg = CreateRexxMsg(port, NULL, NULL))) return NULL ;
msg->rm_Action = RXCOMM | flags ;
msg->rm_Args[0] = com ;
if (!FillRexxMsg(msg, 1, 0)) dowbmessage("Internal error: REXX") ;
else {
Forbid() ;
if (out = FindPort("SHADOWMASTER")) PutMsg(out, (struct Message *) msg) ;
Permit() ;
if (!out) dowbmessage("ShadowMaster is not running!") ;
for (;;) {
WaitPort(port) ;
msg = (struct RexxMsg *) GetMsg(port) ;
if (msg->rm_Node.mn_Node.ln_Type == NT_REPLYMSG)
break ;
msg->rm_Result1 = 10 ;
msg->rm_Result2 = 10 ;
ReplyMsg((struct Message *) msg) ;
if (msg->rm_Result1 == 0) result = (char *) msg->rm_Result2 ;
ClearRexxMsg(msg, 1) ;
DeleteRexxMsg(msg) ;
return result ;
static int
test(struct Gadget *g, UWORD code) {
struct MsgPort *myport ;
char buffer[2 * MAXSTRING], *old ;
if (!RexxSysBase
&& !(RexxSysBase = (struct RxsLib *) OpenLibrary("rexxsyslib.library", 0))) {
dowbmessage("Can't open rexx.library; test not possible.") ;
return FALSE ;
if (!(myport = CreateMsgPort())) {
dowbmessage("Can't create rexx port; test not possible.") ;
return FALSE ;
sprintf(buffer, "command shadowmaster:savers/%s", command) ;
old = RexxIt(buffer, myport, RXFF_RESULT) ;
if (old) { /* It worked */
RexxIt("blank", myport, 0) ;
sprintf(buffer, "command %s", old) ;
DeleteArgstring(old) ;
RexxIt(buffer, myport, 0) ;
/* Send rexx messages to twiddle the command and blank the thing... */
DeleteMsgPort(myport) ;
return FALSE ;
static int
Size(struct Gadget *g, UWORD code) {
UPDATE_SIZE(((struct StringInfo *) g->SpecialInfo)->LongInt) ;
undo_command = FALSE ;
return FALSE ;
static int
Corners(struct Gadget *g, UWORD code){
UPDATE_CORNERS((g->GadgetID) ^ corners) ;
return FALSE ;
static int
Command(struct Gadget *g, UWORD code) {
UPDATE_COMMAND(((struct StringInfo *) g->SpecialInfo)->Buffer) ;
undo_size = FALSE ;
return FALSE ;
/* Undos the last action */
Undo(void) {
int save_size, save_corners ;
char save_command[MAXSTRING] ;
if (undo_size) {
save_size = old_size ;
UPDATE_SIZE(save_size) ;
if (undo_command) {
strcpy(save_command, old_command) ;
UPDATE_COMMAND(save_command) ;
if (undo_corners) {
save_corners = old_corners ;
UPDATE_CORNERS(save_corners) ;
return FALSE ;
/* Resets the edit data to default values */
Defaults(void) {
return FALSE ;
/* Build the edit gadgets, return TRUE if all, FALSE otherwise */
UserGadgets(struct Gadget *gad, struct NewGadget *ng) {
/* Bottom row: select */
ng->ng_TopEdge -= ng->ng_Height + 10 ;
ng->ng_LeftEdge = 13 ;
ng->ng_GadgetText = "Select" ;
ng->ng_UserData = &select ;
if (!(gad = CreateGadgetA(BUTTON_KIND, gad, ng, NULL)))
return FALSE ;
/* Bottom row: config */
ng->ng_LeftEdge = (windowwidth - ng->ng_Width) / 2 ;
ng->ng_GadgetText = "Config" ;
ng->ng_UserData = &config ;
if (!(gad = CreateGadgetA(BUTTON_KIND, gad, ng, NULL)))
return FALSE ;
/* Bottom row: test */
ng->ng_LeftEdge = windowwidth - 87 ;
ng->ng_GadgetText = "Test" ;
ng->ng_UserData = &test ;
if (!(gad = CreateGadgetA(BUTTON_KIND, gad, ng, NULL)))
return FALSE ;
/* Middle row: Command gadget */
ng->ng_TopEdge -= ng->ng_Height + 3 ;
ng->ng_LeftEdge = 80 ;
ng->ng_Width = windowwidth - 100 ;
ng->ng_GadgetText = "Command" ;
ng->ng_UserData = &Command ;
if (!(gad_command = gad = CreateGadget(STRING_KIND, gad, ng,
GTST_String, command, GTST_MaxChars, MAXSTRING - 1, TAG_DONE, 0)))
return FALSE ;
/* Top row: size gadget */
ng->ng_TopEdge -= (ng->ng_Height / 2) + 15 ;
ng->ng_LeftEdge = 120 ;
ng->ng_GadgetText = "Size" ;
ng->ng_UserData = &Size ;
ng->ng_Width = 67 ;
if (!(gad_size = gad = CreateGadget(INTEGER_KIND, gad, ng,
GTIN_Number, size, TAG_DONE, 0)))
return FALSE ;
/* Top row: corner gadgets */
ng->ng_TopEdge -= (ng->ng_Height / 2) ;
ng->ng_Flags = 0 ;
ng->ng_Width = 5 ;
ng->ng_Height = 5 ;
ng->ng_GadgetText = "" ;
ng->ng_UserData = &Corners ;
ng->ng_LeftEdge = 13 ;
ng->ng_GadgetID = TOP_LEFT ;
if (!(gad_topleft = gad = CreateGadget(CHECKBOX_KIND, gad, ng,
GTCB_Checked, corners & TOP_LEFT, TAG_DONE, 0)))
return FALSE ;
ng->ng_LeftEdge = 39 ;
ng->ng_GadgetID = TOP_RIGHT ;
if (!(gad_topright = gad = CreateGadget(CHECKBOX_KIND, gad, ng,
GTCB_Checked, corners & TOP_RIGHT, TAG_DONE, 0)))
return FALSE ;
ng->ng_TopEdge += 11 ;
ng->ng_GadgetID = BOTTOM_RIGHT ;
if (!(gad_bottomright = gad = CreateGadget(CHECKBOX_KIND, gad, ng,
GTCB_Checked, corners & BOTTOM_RIGHT, TAG_DONE, 0)))
return FALSE ;
ng->ng_LeftEdge = 13 ;
ng->ng_GadgetID = BOTTOM_LEFT ;
if (!(gad_bottomleft = gad = CreateGadget(CHECKBOX_KIND, gad, ng,
GTCB_Checked, corners & BOTTOM_LEFT, TAG_DONE, 0)))
return FALSE ;
undo_size = undo_command = undo_corners = FALSE ;
return TRUE;
/* This saves the preferences data to the named file. Returns FALSE if open fails */
SaveFile(char *file) {
BPTR fh ;
if (!(fh = Open(file, MODE_NEWFILE))) return FALSE ;
if (window) {
((struct StringInfo *) gad_command->SpecialInfo)->Buffer) ;
size = ((struct StringInfo *) gad_size->SpecialInfo)->LongInt ;
FPrintf(fh, "%ld\n%ld\nshadowmaster:savers/%s\n", corners, size, command) ;
Close(fh) ;
return TRUE ;
/* This loads the named file into the editor. Returns FALSE if the open fails */
LoadFile(char *file) {
BPTR fh ;
int tmp_corners ;
char *cp, buffer[MAXSTRING] ;
if (!(fh = Open(file, MODE_OLDFILE))) return FALSE ;
FGets(fh, buffer, MAXSTRING) ;
tmp_corners = atoi(buffer) ;
UPDATE_CORNERS(tmp_corners ? tmp_corners : TOP_LEFT) ;
FGets(fh, buffer, MAXSTRING) ;
UPDATE_SIZE(atoi(buffer)) ;
FGets(fh, buffer, MAXSTRING) ;
if (cp = strchr(buffer, '\n')) *cp = '\0' ;
if (cp = strchr(buffer, ':')) cp = strchr(buffer, '/') + 1 ;
UPDATE_COMMAND(cp ? cp : buffer) ;
Close(fh) ;
return TRUE ;
/* This is for me to clean up things with; status is TRUE if we changed env:... */
CleanUp(int status) {
if (RexxSysBase) CloseLibrary((struct Library *) RexxSysBase) ;